Curriculum for Excellence is bringing learning to life and life to learning. We plan using the Scottish Executive’s Curriculum for Excellence 3-18. Our children are actively involved in planning and assessing their learning.
We aim to provide an inclusive, responsive, creative, exciting, challenging, enjoyable and reflective environment, which respects diversity and promotes achievement.
We encourage independent and child initiated learning – staff support this by offering learning experiences which support children’s needs, interests and learning styles.
Our curriculum offers a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences.
Our curriculum ensures:
- Active, experiential learning
- A holistic approach to learning
- Smooth transitions
- Learning through play.
It is widely recognised that children learn best through play. In our nursery we support each child’s development through a play-based curriculum.
We use the children’s interests to plan and support our children in their learning. For example, we may want to learn about Super Heroes –through this we will be learning about helping others, caring for the environment, learning about colours, shapes etc. We may look at comics - this is a great way to develop our literacy skills.
It is important to remember that it is not a final product that is important, it is the skills and experiences we are developing by taking part – so if our baking doesn’t taste as it should - don’t worry!
The participation and development of skills is much more important! If your child comes home with no paintings or drawings - don’t worry. They will still have been learning – just learning through different experiences.
Not all children want to paint or draw and there are many other learning opportunities available and so many to choose from.
Your child may have been busy building in the construction area, playing in the sand, working out in the physical room or playing outside to name a few. They simply may have chosen to participate in other experiences on offer.
We promote children’s learning in a variety of ways - observing, planning and discussing next steps to extend, support or challenge children in their learning.
All staff in Renfrew Street Nursery
- Listen and interact with children through play
- Show interest and pleasure in children’s achievement
- Use key questions to extend children’s learning.
Staff will be glad to discuss with you what your child will be learning. We have a planning wall in each room and we will put children’s learning interests in our regular newsletters as well as on our screen in the entrance area.